We're glad you're here and we'd love to connect with you.


Everyone is welcome here at Living Hope, whether you have grown up going to church or this is your first time setting foot in one! Everyone is welcomed at the door. Grab a cup of coffee and a bulletin and find a place to sit. There are no reserved seats or special seats, so sit anywhere you would like.

Church is on Sundays at 9 am with Sunday School (during the school year) for all ages following our service. We're currently meeting in the chapel of a school but have plans in the works to build our own building. Learn more about our exciting New Building Project.


We want you to feel welcome walking through our front doors. Here are a few of the common questions that visitors ask.

Where are you located?

We are in North Commerce City, near the Reunion neighborhood. We currently meet in the Rocky Mountain Lutheran high school's chapel at 10391 Luther Court in Commerce City, CO.

What should I wear?

We're a come-as-you-are congregation. Some will be dressy, others casual. Both jeans and suits are welcome. We want you to feel comfortable and not worry about what to wear. Just come!

What is your church service like?

We are a mixed congregation, and our church service reflects this. We incorporate both beautiful hymns and contemporary music. We have a piano, drums, and even steel pans that are sometimes used. How we worship is a blend of who we are --reflecting the diversity of the body of Christ while valuing our Lutheran heritage.

What will my kids do?

We love kids! We believe that children and adults of all ages can worship God, and therefore we encourage parents to keep their children with them in church. Of course, we also know that kids sometimes need a place to calm down or a crying baby needs to be comforted, so we also offer an unstaffed nursery room off the chapel.

Our Pastor gives a Children's Message every other Sunday during the service, and we offer Children's bulletins & crayons for the kids. We also have Sunday School after the service for all ages during the school year.

Will I be asked to do or say anything?

Don't worry, you won't be called on or asked to do anything that publicly calls attention to you as a visitor. We're just glad you came! We have coffee and refreshments after the service and hope you'll give us a chance to introduce ourselves and answer any questions you may have.

Why should I go to church?

We don’t have to go to church to be a Christian or be saved. Faith in Jesus is the only thing necessary to be a Christian, but God does want us to gather with other Christians to be encouraged in our faith and to serve others. God doesn’t want us to remain isolated Christians but to find strength in the community of believers.

Am I good enough to step foot in a church?

Yes and No. Truthfully none of us are good enough or worthy of standing before our holy, righteous God. None of us, because of our sinfulness. God tells us that no one can claim to be good enough to come to Him. Everyone at Living Hope recognizes that they are a sinner, and therefore no more worthy of being in God’s house than anyone else.

At the same time Jesus washed away all of our sins. All of them, no matter how awful or embarrassing we think those sins are. And if my sins are gone, then I am good enough to stand before Him because Jesus made me that way. Every single person at Living Hope recognizes that they can come before God only because Jesus forgave their sins. Including me, the pastor.

Does Jesus really care about me and how would I know that He cares about me?

Of course He does. He cares about us even more than we care about ourselves. Sometimes our sinful nature tries to convince us that we are unlovable or worthless. It likes to point to our sins and our past. It tells us that God could never love us. But that is a lie. God loves us so very much that He gave His Son for us. He loves us so much that he is working constantly in our lives to connect with us and bring us into communion with Him. We hope that if you come to worship at Living Hope that you will also experience the love of God in your interaction with us.

Are all churches the same and why would I go to this church?

All Christian churches worship the same God. We are all partners in God’s work. But not all churches are the same. Each church has its own character and spirit. Living Hope is a gathering a believers who recognize that they aren’t perfect but who try to love each other the way that Jesus tells us to. We don’t always succeed, but that is our goal. We care deeply and personally about everyone in our congregation. We focus on teaching the Bible and applying those teachings to our lives. We understand that not every church is for every Christian, but we would encourage you to worship with us and see if we might be able to help you in your walk with Christ.

What are your beliefs?

  • In an age of anxiety, we believe that real peace comes from Jesus Christ.
  • In an age of confusion, we believe that the Bible is the word of God; without

error, and it will endure forever.

  • In an age of doubt, we believe that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit

and born of the Virgin Mary.

  • In an age of guilt, we believe that Jesus died on the cross to remove the

power of sin from our lives.

  • In an age of hopelessness, we believe that Jesus rose physically from death;

and so will we rise.

  • In an age of skepticism, we believe that God is at work in the sacraments of

Holy Baptism and Holy Communion.

  • In an age of despair, we believe God's promises to heal and transform us.
  • In an age of violence, we believe that God calls us to embody his love in the


  • In an age of constant change, we believe in the unchanging Holy Trinity;

Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Want to learn more?