Living Hope teaches the Word of God in its purity. Our foundation is the Bible, in its entirety, from the first verse of Genesis to the Amen of Revelation. In love, we affirm and teach the unchanging Word of God, even the teachings that clash with the ever changing culture of the day. 

The only True God is the Triune God; One God who makes himself known in three distinct and separate persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And yet, they are One.

All people are born with original sin--born hostile to God, blind to who God is and what He demands, and all people are responsible to God bear full condemnation for sin--original or actual.

God in mercy sent his Son, Jesus Christ to be our Savior--to pay for all sin, and work all perfect righteousness in our place.

We receive the full benefit of His saving work by faith alone. We receive saving faith as a gift through the gospel in Word and Sacrament.

God the Holy Spirit uses the Good News of this message to create faith and change lives.

Living Hope Lutheran Church is a member of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). See our church bodies' website here.

Would you like to read on? Visit "This We Believe' on our WELS website.

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